Armed Deputy "Never Went In"
After the tragic shooting that took place at a Florida's high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, they continued to investigate further into what went down in the school through watching the surveillance cameras The surveillance video reveled that there was an armed sheriff`s deputy at the school at the time of the shooting. In the video, it showed the officer standing on the outside of the school guarding the door, doing nothing. There were many that were furious, especially Sheriff Israel, for the actions that the sheriff`s deputy did not take to put an end to this tragic moment. Sheriff Israel expressed, "there are no words," he went on to describe that he felt "devastated, sick to my stomach." Scot Peterson, the deputy, resigned after being suspended without pay.
Although it is protocol for police officers to try to confront active shooters as quickly as possible, I feel that you may never know how to react once you're on the field, in that situation. The adrenaline starts to kick in and officers can become shaken and forget how to react to these situations. I do feel that it was the officer should have gone in the school, in a tactical way, to take down the shooter. I cant help but feel disappointed that 17 lives had to be taken away, but I am more disappointed in how many times this situation could have been avoided with all the tips and concerns that the school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was not in the right mind and the actions he previously showed that would have lead to this devastating loss.
Although it is protocol for police officers to try to confront active shooters as quickly as possible, I feel that you may never know how to react once you're on the field, in that situation. The adrenaline starts to kick in and officers can become shaken and forget how to react to these situations. I do feel that it was the officer should have gone in the school, in a tactical way, to take down the shooter. I cant help but feel disappointed that 17 lives had to be taken away, but I am more disappointed in how many times this situation could have been avoided with all the tips and concerns that the school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was not in the right mind and the actions he previously showed that would have lead to this devastating loss.
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